我们可能会邀请一些家庭参加一项自由参与的头发采集研究活动,而采集少量的头发样本是我们了解您的健康的一种方式。这是一个快速简单的自行采集过程,您只需大约 10 分钟即可完成。这是我们实验室时常做的一项活动,我们已为数百个华裔家庭以及婴幼儿采集过。
如果您选择参加头发采集,您将收到 25 美元的礼品卡。研究人员将在亲子线上活动环节中提供有关此活动的更多信息。
Teen Virtual Activity Session
One of our staff will conduct a 1-hour interview with you over Zoom. We will show a series of fake social media posts and comments on our screen, and will ask for the your opinion. The posts themselves may include different ways in which people think about Asians.
You’ll need to use a computer in order to see posts and comments.
There is no survey involved this time!
I don’t use social media. Do I need to in order to participate?
No, you do not need to have any prior exposure to social media to participate.
How long will it take?
The interview should take approximately 30-60 minutes.
Do I have to take part in this activity?
This activity is completely optional, and you can opt out and still participate in the next BOBA Project yearly follow-up at Year 2 if you want. We will reach out again when we begin recruitment for Year 2 regardless of your participation in this social media activity.
How do I get started?
Refer to the email invitation you received from us for the sign-up links, and email us if you have any questions.