The BOBA Project
Building Our Bonds Authentically
A Special Message for NECYSC Teens​
Hi campers, counselors, and CITs!
You might have met our BOBA team at camp this year. The BOBA Project is an initiative based out of Brigham and Women’s Hospital at Harvard Medical School. We’ve partnered with NECYSC this year to meet more teens like you.
You're invited!
If you are 12 to 18 years old, please sign up for the the BOBA Project. As you may know, we are the largest initiative on Asian American teens. We are inviting you and your parent to take part in this free online parent-teen activity. This activity provides a space for parents and teens to get to understand each other’s perspectives about their experiences as Asian Americans.
Teens participating in the activity share that they value the experience, as it gives them a chance to understand their parents better. We also have many teens sharing just how much they appreciate their parents after the session and that they can better relate to them. (“I really grew a closer bond with my parent after this session.”)
There is no cost to families. In fact, families will receive gift cards (up to $170) and prizes. We are enrolling the first 500 families who sign up.
Biracial (half Chinese/Taiwanese) teens and their Chinese/Taiwanese parents as well as adoptive Chinese/Taiwanese teens and their parents (any ethnicity) are welcome!
Our goal is to also support NECYSC. For NECYSC affiliates (campers, counselors, or counselors-in-training), we will donate $20 to NECYSC for every family that enrolls.
What will you do?
Completing a couple of online surveys (totaling around 1 hour).
Taking part in a scheduled 1-hour Zoom session facilitated by a BOBA staff member where we ask about your opinion and "what would you do" in relation to some hypothetical situations related to being an Asian/Asian American. These sessions can take place at your convenience (evenings, weekends) and can be done in English or Chinese.​
How to sign up:
Both the teen and the parent should complete a brief screener survey separately. You can find the online screener survey on our participate page or scan the QR code on the study flyers. The enrollment will include:
Filling out a 5-minute screener survey.
Filling out a 5-10 minute consent form. The form is to inform you about the activity and your rights as a participant. Read and check boxes indicating whether you agree to join. We will also ask whether you are OK with us texting you reminders.